
Looking for resources to help support your impact work? Search here!

By-Law Builder Tool

Topic: Board Governance
A tool created by the Government of Canada to assist Nonprofits in creating individualized by-laws.

Creating a Not-for-Profit Corporation

Topic: Board Governance
Documents and links for incorporating uder the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act

Procedures for Board Meetings

Topic: Board Governance
This Factsheet not only briefly explains proper parliamentary procedure for more formal meetings, but also describes acceptable alternatives for decision-making in smaller groups.

Developing Policies and Procedures for Volunteer Organizations

Topic: Board Governance
An expansive tool to develop policies and proedures for volunteer organizations.

Tools and Resources for Rural and Small Nonprofits

Topic: Board Governance, Fundraising, Human Resources, Management, Professional Development, Volunteerism
Documents, training audio podcasts, training videos and resources that have been produced for Volunteer Yukon by professional trainers, consultants or national organizations for the benefit of all nonprofit organizations.

Best Practices in Volunteer Management: For Small and Rural Nonprofits

Topic: Volunteerism, Management
A guide of best practices in volunteer management specifically geared towards nonprofit organizations in small and rural areas.

Nonprofit Accounting Basics

Topic: Board Governance, Management
A resource designed to help you produce accurate records and reports, encourage and measure accountability, and successfully manage and sustain your nonprofit organization.

Network For Good

Topic: Fundraising, Grants and Funding
Learn how to be a better fundraiser with these in-depth guides to online fundraising, building donor relationships, email marketing, fundraising events, and more. Membership required.

Showcase of Fundraising Innovation and Inspiration

Topic: Fundraising, Grants and Funding
An easily accessible free archive of the best fundraising creativity and innovation from around the world.

Global Philanthropy

Topic: Fundraising, Grants and Funding
They assist Canadian charities understand their legal and ethical obligations when operating charities in Canada or abroad and provide insights and information to non-Canadian charities interested in operating or fundraising...


Whether you're looking for volunteer opportunities,
networking events or a job in the nonprofit sector, we can help.
