Pillar's Social Enterprise Southwest Program - RFP for Digital Storytelling Professional Development

Pillar is seeking proposals for a facilitator to co-design, facilitate, and deliver digital storytelling professional development to support new and established social and traditional enterprises. These enterprises will be participating in incubation/cohort programs within Pillar’s Social Enterprise Southwest (SESW) program. The program is being delivered in the following locations: London, Huron County, St. Catherines, Windsor, and Waterloo—throughout the current fiscal year (April 2018 to March 2019).

Follow this link for access to the RFP: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nLw3Pb4TbmAxToFs3S8wHnVY_Pk8JB-R/view?u...

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News Topic: 
Professional Development
Social Enterprise
Social Finance

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