Green in the City: Who's Growing Urban Agriculture?

In 2017, the City of London, Evergreen, and the Urban Agriculture Steering Committee collaborated on an Urban Agriculture Strategy to develop a community-driven and municipality-supported plan to increase effective urban agriculture activities in the city. In this Green in the City session, we will learn about some amazing examples of local programs and projects that are contributing to urban agriculture, food security, and food sovereignty in London.

Featured Speakers:

Jessica Cordes, Chair of the Middlesex- London Food Policy Council

Dan Lizmore from The Wormery and Grounds Supervisor at the Western Fair District

Aaron Martin from The Wormery and Grove Manager at the Western Fair District

Luis Reyes, Horticulture Specialist at the London Food Bank

Samantha Whiteye, Entrepreneur & Public Speaker of Xúwii Shoopéekal Enterprises

Each of these speakers will share their story as well as ways that you can support them and get involved!

This is a FREE community event made possible by the London Public Library, the London Environmental Network, and the City of London.

Register for our other Green in the City events on our website here:

Event Poster: 

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