Pillar welcomes Jamie Cudmore and Marissa Ouellette-Quimby

Here at Pillar, we're excited to be starting off the new year with two wonderful new colleagues joining our team. Join us in welcoming Jamie Cudmore, CityStudio Projects Coordinator and Marissa Ouellette-Quimby, Marketing and Communications Assistant.

Jaimie Cudmore is curious about what and who makes the places where we live. Excited to be joining the CityStudio and Pillar team in London, Jaimie brings a background in design and planning research and experience working with the non-profit sector. Originally from Oakville, Ontario, Jaimie moved to Montreal well over a decade ago. Jaimie is currently pursuing a PhD at the Peter Guo-hua Fu School of Architecture at McGill University and is serving on the board of the Suspicious Fish Creative Literacy and Arts program, a grassroots non-profit in southwest Montreal. Jaimie is passionate about community-based learning and action, civic literacy, design justice, and collaborative city-making. Cities have been great teachers, so she is looking forward to learning from London as part of CityStudio and the Pillar Network.

We are very grateful to be bringing Jamie's wealth of expertise and talent to the London community and the CityStudio Global Network.

Marissa Ouellette-Quimby is currently completing a diploma in Public Relations at Western University. She completed her B.A. in Political Science and Women's Studies. In her spare time, Marissa loves spending time with her cockapoo, Finn, and being creative. Her favourite creative outlets are baking, painting, and sketching. She is most looking forward to the opportunity to connect with the Pillar community.

We are pleased Marissa choose to work with us for her practicum and will be lending her skills to our Learning and Development program.

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